

Dental fillings are crucial in maintaining oral health as they restore teeth damaged by decay or fractures. They prevent further deterioration of tooth structure, restore function for chewing and speaking, and help maintain proper alignment of surrounding teeth.

By sealing off areas where bacteria can enter, fillings prevent the progression of decay and potential infections. Beyond functional benefits, fillings contribute to aesthetic restoration, blending in seamlessly with natural teeth for a healthier and more confident smile. Regular dental check-ups ensure early detection of cavities, allowing for timely filling placement to preserve dental health effectively.

Parkway Dental

Types of Dental Fillings

Composite Resin Fillings

Made from a tooth-colored composite material, composite resin fillings blend in seamlessly with natural teeth, offering a more aesthetic alternative to amalgam fillings. They are bonded directly to the tooth surface and require less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to amalgam fillings.


  • Composite fillings blend in seamlessly with natural tooth color, making them suitable for front teeth and visible areas.
  • They can be used for small to medium-sized cavities and for reshaping chipped or worn teeth.
  • Composite fillings chemically bond to the tooth structure, providing additional support.

Ceramic Fillings

Ceramic or porcelain fillings are custom-made in a dental laboratory and bonded to the tooth. They are highly aesthetic, durable, and resistant to staining, making them suitable for filling larger cavities or restoring damaged teeth.


  • Ceramic fillings closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth, providing an aesthetic enhancement.
  • They are highly durable and resistant to staining, making them suitable for larger restorations and visible teeth.
  • Custom-made in a dental laboratory, ceramic fillings offer a precise fit and can restore extensive damage.

Glass Ionomer Fillings

Glass ionomer fillings are made from a mixture of glass and acrylic. They release fluoride, which can help protect against further decay.


  • Glass ionomer fillings can help strengthen natural tooth structure and prevent future decay.
  • They chemically bond to the tooth, providing good adhesion and sealing properties.
  • Suitable for small fillings and fillings in areas where moisture control is challenging.

The Procedure for Dental Fillings

Examination and Diagnosis

  • The dentist in St. George, UT, begins by examining the tooth visually and using dental instruments to detect cavities or damage.
  • Dental X-rays may be taken to assess the extent of decay and determine the best course of treatment.


  • Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area surrounding the affected tooth. This ensures that the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure.

Removal of Decay

  • The dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth using a dental drill or laser. The process involves carefully shaping the cavity to prepare it for the filling material.

Tooth Preparation

  • After removing the decay, the dentist cleans the cavity thoroughly to remove debris and bacteria.
  • The tooth is etched with an acidic gel for composite resin fillings to create a rough surface that promotes bonding with the filling material.

Placement of the Filling

  • The selected filling material (amalgam, composite resin, or ceramic) is layered into the prepared cavity.
  • For composite resin fillings, each layer is cured (hardened) using a special light. For amalgam fillings, it is allowed to set naturally.

Shaping and Polishing

  • Once the filling material has hardened, the dentist trims and shapes it to ensure a proper fit and bite alignment.
  • The filling is polished to smooth out any rough edges and restore the natural contour of the tooth.

Bite Check and Adjustment

  • The dentist checks the patient's bite to ensure the filling does not interfere with chewing or bite alignment.
  • Adjustments may be made to refine the fit of the filling and ensure the patient’s comfort.

Uses of Dental Fillings

Treatment of Dental Caries

Dental cavities, caused by bacterial plaque that erodes tooth enamel, are a common dental problem. Dental fillings are primarily used to treat cavities and halt the progression of tooth decay.

During the procedure, the dentist first removes the decayed portion of the tooth using a dental drill or laser. Once the decay is cleared, the cavity is filled with a suitable material such as amalgam, composite resin, or ceramic. These materials seal off the cavity, preventing bacteria from re-entering and causing further damage.

By restoring the tooth's structure and integrity, fillings enable normal chewing function and prevent the need for more invasive treatments like root canals or tooth extraction.

Restoration of Damaged Teeth

Fillings are also utilized to repair teeth damaged by trauma, fractures, or wear. Minor to moderate fractures or chips in teeth can compromise their strength and aesthetics.

Dental fillings restore these damaged areas, reinforcing the tooth structure and preventing further deterioration. This restoration process improves the tooth's appearance and ensures that it can withstand normal biting and chewing forces without risk of further damage.

Cosmetic Enhancements and Tooth Reshaping

Beyond functional restoration, dental fillings are used for cosmetic purposes to enhance the appearance of teeth. Tooth-colored fillings made from composite resin or ceramic can precisely match the natural color of the patient's teeth. This makes them ideal for closing gaps between teeth, reshaping misaligned or uneven teeth, or modifying tooth size for a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.

By blending in seamlessly with natural tooth enamel, these fillings provide a natural-looking solution to improve overall smile aesthetics.

Dental fillings are a fundamental component of restorative dentistry, offering a reliable solution to treat cavities and minor tooth damage. If you suspect you have a cavity or need a dental filling, visit Parkway Dental at 1404 Sun River Pkwy #125, St. George, UT 84790, or call (435) 256-6167 to prevent further damage and maintain your beautiful smile! 

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1404 Sun River Pkwy #125, St. George, UT, 84790

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  • MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • TUE - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed