

Dentures are vital prosthetic devices that restore oral function, enhance aesthetics, and significantly improve quality of life for individuals who have experienced tooth loss. By replacing missing teeth, dentures restore the ability to chew and speak correctly, ensuring adequate nutrition and clear communication. They also support facial muscles, preventing facial sagging and restoring a natural appearance.

Beyond functional benefits, dentures boost self-esteem, promote social confidence, and improve psychological well-being. With various types available, dentures offer customizable solutions that cater to each patient's unique dental needs, ensuring comfort, functionality, and long-term oral health. 

Parkway Dental

Types of Dentures 

Full Dentures

Full dentures are used when all teeth in the upper or lower jaw are missing. They consist of a flesh-colored acrylic base that fits over the gums and a set of artificial teeth. The base supports the artificial teeth made from porcelain or acrylic resin, designed to resemble natural teeth. Full dentures are held in place by suction and may require denture adhesive for added stability.  

Partial Dentures 

Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. They consist of a metal or acrylic framework that is attached to the remaining natural teeth via clasps or attachments. Artificial teeth are mounted on the framework to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth. Partial dentures improve chewing ability, support facial muscles, and prevent remaining natural teeth from shifting.  

Immediate Dentures 

Immediate dentures are placed immediately after tooth extraction. They are pre-made based on measurements taken before the teeth are extracted, allowing patients to have teeth immediately after extraction while the gums heal. As the gums and bone structure change during the healing process, adjustments to immediate dentures may be necessary to ensure a proper fit. 

Implant-Supported Dentures 

Implant-supported dentures are secured by dental implants surgically placed into the jawbone. These dentures are more stable and comfortable than traditional ones, as they do not rely on suction or adhesive for retention. Implant-supported dentures improve chewing efficiency, prevent bone loss, and provide a more natural feel and appearance. 

The Procedure for Getting Dentures 

Initial Consultation and Examination 

  • Our dentist thoroughly examines the mouth, gums, and any remaining teeth to evaluate oral health and determine the need for dentures. 
  • Patient preferences, expectations, and the different types of dentures available are discussed. Based on the assessment, a treatment plan is developed.  

Impressions and Measurements 

  • If necessary, impressions or molds of the mouth are made using dental putty or digital scanning technology. These impressions capture the exact shape and size of the mouth for precise denture fabrication. 
  • Jaw and bite relationship measurements are taken to ensure the dentures will fit comfortably and function properly.  

Fabrication of Dentures 

  • Using the impressions and measurements, a dental laboratory creates a custom model or digital design of the dentures. 
  • Temporary or trial dentures (wax or plastic) may be provided to assess fit, function, and aesthetics. Adjustments are made as needed to ensure comfort and optimal appearance. 

Final Fitting 

  • The final dentures are fabricated once adjustments are complete and the dentist and patient are satisfied with the fit and appearance. 
  • The final dentures are placed in the mouth. The dentist checks their fit, bite, and comfort and makes necessary adjustments to ensure proper alignment and function. 

Education and Care Instructions 

  • The dentist provides instructions on how to care for dentures, including cleaning techniques, proper storage, and maintenance. 
  • Patients are educated on how to adapt to wearing dentures, including tips for eating, speaking, and adjusting to the feel of the dentures in their mouths. 

Follow-Up Appointments 

  • Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to make additional adjustments as the patient becomes accustomed to wearing dentures. 
  • Regular dental check-ups are recommended to monitor oral health and ensure dentures fit correctly and function effectively. 

The Importance of Dentures 

  • Dentures enable individuals to chew and eat a wide variety of foods comfortably. They replace missing teeth, allowing for proper chewing and digestion of food, essential for overall nutrition and health. 
  • Missing teeth can affect speech clarity and pronunciation. Dentures help restore proper speech patterns by supporting the lips, tongue, and cheeks, allowing individuals to speak more clearly and confidently. 
  • Tooth loss can alter facial appearance, causing sagging of facial muscles and a sunken appearance. Dentures restore facial volume and symmetry, improving overall facial aesthetics and boosting self-confidence. 
  • Dentures prevent remaining natural teeth from shifting out of position. This helps maintain dental alignment and prevents issues such as overcrowding or misalignment that could lead to additional dental problems in the future. 
  • By replacing missing teeth, dentures support facial muscles and tissues, preventing sagging and preserving the face's natural contours. This support contributes to a more youthful and vibrant appearance. 
  • Restoring a complete smile with dentures can have profound psychological benefits. It improves self-esteem, enhances social interactions, and promotes a positive self-image, improving quality of life. 
  • Dentures come in various types and can be customized to meet individual preferences and needs. Whether partial or complete, conventional or implant-supported, dentures offer versatile solutions tailored to each patient's unique dental situation. 
  • Adequately fitting dentures contribute to long-term oral health. Regular cleaning and maintenance of dentures and routine dental check-ups help prevent oral health issues such as gum disease and oral infections.  

Dentures are essential prosthetic devices that restore oral function, improve aesthetics, and support the overall well-being of individuals who have lost natural teeth. Visit Parkway Dental at 1404 Sun River Pkwy #125, St. George, UT 84790, or call (435) 256-6167 to schedule your consultation and discover the best denture options tailored to your unique needs.

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Phone: (435) 256-6167



1404 Sun River Pkwy #125, St. George, UT, 84790

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  • MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • TUE - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed