Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges play a crucial role in restorative dentistry by replacing one or more missing teeth, thereby restoring aesthetics, function, and oral health. These fixed prosthetic devices are anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants, bridging the gap left by missing teeth. By filling this space, dental bridges prevent surrounding teeth from shifting out of position, which may lead to bite problems, gum disease, and tooth loss.

Moreover, bridges restore the ability to chew and speak correctly, improve facial structure and smile aesthetics, and evenly distribute the forces in the bite. By maintaining the alignment of remaining teeth and supporting overall dental health, dental bridges are essential for restoring both function and appearance after tooth loss. 

Parkway Dental

The Procedure for Dental Bridges 

Initial Consultation and Assessment 

Getting a dental bridge typically begins with an initial consultation with our dentist. During this visit, our dentist will evaluate your oral health, assess the condition of the surrounding teeth, and discuss your goals for treatment. X-rays or digital scans may be taken to determine the bone structure and ensure that your gums and adjacent teeth are healthy enough to support a dental bridge. 

Preparation of Abutment Teeth 

If you are a suitable candidate for a dental bridge, the next step will involve preparing the abutment teeth. These are the teeth adjacent to the gap where the missing teeth once were. The preparation process involves reshaping these teeth to create space for the dental crowns that will anchor the bridge. Local anesthesia is typically administered to ensure your comfort during this procedure. 

Impression Taking 

Once the abutment teeth are prepared, our dentist will take impressions of your teeth. These impressions are a mold for creating your custom dental bridge, ensuring a precise fit that matches your natural bite and aesthetic preferences. The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory where skilled technicians will fabricate your bridge according to the specifications provided by our dentist. 

Temporary Bridge Placement 

While your permanent bridge is custom-made, our dentist may place a temporary one to protect the exposed abutment teeth and restore function and aesthetics. Following the dentist's instructions for caring for your temporary bridge is essential to prevent damage and maintain oral hygiene. 

Bridge Fabrication

Your custom bridge will be fabricated at the dental laboratory using durable materials such as porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or a combination. These materials are chosen for their strength, durability, and ability to mimic the appearance of natural teeth. The dental laboratory works closely with our dentist to ensure the bridge fits precisely and blends in seamlessly with your teeth.

Bridge Fitting and Adjustment 

Once your permanent bridge is ready, you will return to our dental office for placement. Our dentist will carefully check the fit and aesthetics of the bridge, making any necessary adjustments to ensure proper alignment and comfort. This may involve trimming the bridge or adjusting the bite to ensure your teeth come together correctly when you chew. 

Final Placement 

Once satisfied with the fit and appearance, our dentist will permanently bond the dental bridge in place using dental cement or adhesive. The abutment teeth will be cleaned thoroughly before the bridge is placed to ensure a secure bond. Any excess cement will be removed, and our dentist will recheck your bite to ensure the bridge functions correctly with your natural teeth. 

Post-Procedure Care and Follow-Up 

After your dental bridge is placed, our dentist will instruct you on how to care for it properly. This includes practicing good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, using special brushes or floss threaders to clean around the bridge, and attending regular dental check-ups and cleanings. With proper care, your dental bridge can last for many years, restoring your smile's function and appearance. 

The Benefits of Dental Bridges 

  • Dental bridges restore the ability to chew and speak correctly, which can be compromised by missing teeth. By filling the gap left by missing teeth, bridges allow for efficient chewing of food and clear speech articulation. 
  • When a tooth is lost, adjacent teeth may gradually shift into the space, leading to bite misalignment and potential jaw joint issues. Bridges prevent this shifting by "bridging" the gap and maintaining the position of adjacent teeth. 
  • Dental bridges are custom-made to match the natural color, shape, and contour of your existing teeth. This ensures your smile looks natural and aesthetically pleasing, boosting your confidence and self-esteem. 
  • Missing teeth can cause the face to appear sunken or prematurely aged due to loss of support from the teeth and underlying bone. Bridges help maintain your face's natural shape and volume by filling the space and preventing bone resorption. 
  • By replacing missing teeth, bridges restore the balanced distribution of chewing forces across all teeth. This reduces the strain on remaining teeth and helps prevent excessive wear or damage. 
  • Dental bridges can last ten years or more with proper care and regular dental check-ups. They are made from durable materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys, which are resistant to wear. 
  • Unlike removable dentures, dental bridges are fixed in place and do not require removal for cleaning or maintenance. Bridges feel natural and comfortable in the mouth once securely bonded to the adjacent teeth or implants. 

The dental bridge procedure offers a reliable and aesthetic solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your ability to chew, speak, and smile confidently. If you have missing teeth and are considering dental bridges, visit Parkway Dental at 1404 Sun River Pkwy #125, St. George, UT 84790, or call (435) 256-6167 to discover how a dental bridge can transform your oral health and confidence.

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1404 Sun River Pkwy #125, St. George, UT, 84790

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  • MON9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • TUE - THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed